Being Your Own Affiliate

As a creator, you too can benefit from participating in the Blender Market affiliate program. This allows you to:

  1. Retain the maximum commission amount from sales generated by your own offsite marketing efforts. By using your own referral links when sending traffic to Blender Market, you will benefit from our last click attribution model and ensure other affiliates are not taking a percentage of the sale you generated.
  2. Access detailed reports for your traffic. By using the affiliate dashboard, you will gain insight into the traffic and conversions you drive to Blender Market.
  3. Earn referrals from indirect sales. By using your own referral links, you open up the possibility of earning more money when customers you drive to Blender Market end up buying other products.

All creators are automatically registered as affiliates. There is no extra step necessary to sign yourself up. The only thing you need to do is visit your affiliate dashboard and start using your referral URL.

Self Referrals

A "referral" is a percentage earning of a customer purchase, due to an affiliate. A "self referral" occurs when a referral is generated for an affiliate who is also the creator of the purchased product.

Self referrals are always $0. This is because the creator is already earning a commission on the sale of the product. The purposes of self referrals are 1) to ensure the creator earns the full commission on the sale and 2) to provide better insight into the results of marketing efforts.

Since Blender Market uses last click attribution for referral links, self referrals are valuable to ensure creators retain the maximum commission share for products sales they generate. Without self referrals, it is possible to produce sales via offsite marketing efforts and still end up paying affiliates a percentage of those sales because the customers previously visited from an affiliate link. By using their own referral links, creators can get credit for sales they drive.

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