How to Review Products

If you have purchased a product, you can easily leave a review for it on the product page. Here's how.

How to Leave a Review

Step 1: Locate the Product Page

To quickly find the product page for a product that you want to review, head to your Orders page. Click on the name of the product that you want to review and you will be taken to that product's product page.

Step 2: Select the Ratings tab and scroll to the bottom of the page

Next, click on the Ratings tab just below the product name. If the product has any reviews, you will see them there. Scroll to the bottom of the page to leave your review.

If you are the first to review the product, you will just see the "How would you rate this item?" prompt and will not need to scroll.

Step 3: Leave a review

Your review is composed of two parts: a star rating and a comment. In order to submit your review, you will need to fill out both parts. The comment is where you can identify aspects of the product that you liked, or those that you feel need improvement. The more information you can provide, the better.

Why Leave a Product Review?

We encourage everyone who purchases a product to leave a review of that product, and here's why:

Reviews help customers like you make decisions

When you were looking for a product recently (on any platform), did you give any weight to ratings when you were deciding what to buy? If you did, you're not alone. We look for ratings because they indicate that a product is legit and functional, and sometimes they highlight features or issues that we might not otherwise know about. When you write a product review, you're improving the shopping process for other customers, just like they do for you.

Reviews provide useful feedback to Creators

While reviews are not the place to troubleshoot problems that you're having with a product (here's how to get product support), they are a great spot to discuss your experience with the product and the Creator's customer service. What was done well? What could be changed and made better? What might you like to see in a product update? Also, if you discovered a functionality or a requirement that wasn't mentioned in the product description or documentation, a review is a good place to mention it. 

Reviews allow you to present yourself as a knowledgeable contributor to the Blender community

A big part of the success of Blender and Blender Market is the outstanding, collaborative community behind it. You love Blender and so does everybody else on Blender Market. When you leave a product review, you throw your hat in the ring as somebody who knows and cares about advancing the software, its capabilities, and its community. If you leave detailed, constructive reviews, you will become a trusted source whose reviews others look to when making decisions.

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